The “Why, What, and How” of Open Science and Its Impact On My Professional (and Personal) Journey

Dans cette présentation ouverte à toutes et tous, Eduarda Gervini Zampieri Centeno se penchera sur l’image générale et les aspects clés du mouvement de la science ouverte et partagera ses expériences et son parcours personnel en tant que jeune chercheuse en Europe défendant ce nouveau cadre.

  • 27 juillet 2023

14h00 à 15h30


Université Laval, pavillon d'optique-photonique, local 1168



In this presentation, Eduarda Gervini Zampieri Centeno will delve into the general picture and key aspects of the Open Science movement and share her experiences and personal journey as a young researcher in Europe advocating for this new framework.

Join her in this discussion about the benefits, challenges, and opportunities that Open Science offers researchers and the scientific community while aiming to create a more robust, transparent, equitable, and interconnected scientific landscape worldwide.

La conférence sera donnée en anglais.

À propos de la conférencière

Eduarda Gervini Zampieri Centeno, Ph.D Student in Neuroscience, Neurocampus Bordeaux, and Research Assistant, UMC Amsterdam

Eduarda is a Ph.D. candidate in Neuroscience at Neurocampus Bordeaux and a part-time Research Assistant at UMC Amsterdam (VUmc). Passionate about Open Science, she develops open-source Python pipelines for songbird research. At VUmc, Eduarda promotes and implements Open Science practices within her team and coordinates a working group for departmental transition. She hosts a ReproducibiliTea journal club in Bordeaux, is a member of the Open Science Community Amsterdam board (OSCA), and recently became the Open Science Expert representing the Netherlands in the Knowledge Exchange network.


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