Semi-Automated Inspection and Monitoring System of Tunnels Water Ingress

Dans le cadre de ce séminaire du CeRVIM, Guillaume Villeneuve, du Laboratoire de vision et systèmes numériques (LVSN), présentera ses récents travaux portant des systèmes d’inspection et de surveillance semi-automatisés des tunnels d’entrée d’eau.

  • 23 octobre 2020

11h00 à 12h00


En ligne.



Description de la conférence

Underground tunnels are usually subject to water ingress that needs to be detected and monitored in time to follow its evolution. The first part of this study describes a setup to help detect and locate humidity and water ingress from a moving vehicle inside the tunnel being inspected. The second part explains how to monitor the evolution over the years of the problematic wet areas detected by comparing the inspection data obtained over the years.

This issue is technically addressed by acquiring thermal infrared movies as the vehicle is moving. Advanced infrared computer vision analysis is used to detect the wet or humid areas of the soil and tunnel’s walls. The exact location along the tunnel is determined from geodetic markers installed at regular and known intervals inside the tunnel. They are identified by computer vision analysis from the video stream in the infrared spectrum.

La présentation sera donnée en français.

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