Neuronal Activity Remodels the F-actin Based Submembrane Lattice in Dendrites but not Axons of Hippocampal Neurons
Présentation d’Anthony Bilodeau, étudiant au doctorat en biophotonique, concernant l’activité neuronale et les façons par lesquelles elle remodèle le réseau sous-membranère à base de F-actine dans les dendrites ,mais pas les axones, des neurones de l’hippocampe – en lien avec une publication dans Scientific Reports.
- 29 septembre 2020
15h00 à 16h00
En téléprésence

Résumé de la conférence (en anglais)
The nanoscale organization of the F-actin cytoskeleton in neurons comprises membrane-associated periodical rings, bundles, and longitudinal fibers. The F-actin rings have been observed predominantly in axons but only sporadically in dendrites, where fluorescence nanoscopy reveals various patterns of F-actin arranged in mixed patches. These complex dendritic F-actin patterns pose a challenge for investigating quantitatively their regulatory mechanisms.
We developed here a weakly supervised deep learning segmentation approach of fluorescence nanoscopy images of F-actin in cultured hippocampal neurons. This approach enabled the quantitative assessment of F-actin remodeling, revealing the disappearance of the rings during neuronal activity in dendrites, but not in axons. The dendritic F-actin cytoskeleton of activated neurons remodeled into longitudinal fibers.
We show that this activity-dependent remodeling involves Ca2+ and NMDA receptor-dependent mechanisms. This highly dynamic restructuring of dendritic F-actin based submembrane lattice into longitudinal fibers may serve to support activity-dependent membrane remodeling, protein trafficking and neuronal plasticity.
Conférencier : Anthony Bilodeau, candidat au doctorat en biophotonique, Université Laval
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