Development of a Standardized Taxonomy of Online Deviant Behaviors for Content Moderation Systems
Présentation de Zeineb Trabelsi, étudiante au doctorat en sciences de l’administration, concernant le développement d’une taxonomie normalisée des comportements déviants en ligne pour les systèmes de modération de contenus.
- 13 octobre 2020
15h00 à 16h00
En téléprésence
Résumé de la conférence (en anglais)
Over the last decades, there have been increased concerns over deviant behaviors in online communities. Detecting and classifying these behaviors is a challenging task for moderators and automated systems since there does not exist a unique definition of each behavior. Consequently, the moderation process can be subjective and biased.
To this end, drawing from a large literature review of theoretical, empirical, and practical studies, we propose in this work a standardized taxonomy of online deviant behaviors that unifies all available definitions. We identified seven main categories of deviant behaviors: cyberbullying, sexting, online sexual victimization, self-harm, suicide, online hate and swearing. Each category groups different subcategories of deviant behaviors.
To validate the developed taxonomy, we computed an inter-annotator agreement. We expect that this standardized set of definitions will reduce or eliminate the ambiguity that exists in labelling deviant behaviors, and will reduce subjectivity in moderation rules.
Conférencier : Zeineb Trabelsi, candidate au doctorat en sciences de l’administration, Université Laval
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