Annotation Cost-Sensitive Deep Active Learning with Limited Data

Présentée dans le cadre des séminaires étudiants de l’IID, présentation de Renaud Bernatchez, étudiant à la maîtrise en biophotonique à l’Université Laval, sous la supervision de Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal et Audrey Durand portant sur l’apprentissage actif profond sensible aux coûts d’annotation avec des données limitées.

  • 11 janvier 2022

15h00 à 16h00


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Résumé de la conférence :

Deep learning methods are promising avenues for addressing imaging analysis challenges in neuroscience. However, the training of supervised deep learning models requires vast amounts of labeled training data. This can be problematic when the acquisition and labeling of data are costly. For example, for a segmentation task in neurophotonics, an expert must label complex structures on microscopy images of expensive biological samples. Active learning (AL) aims to alleviate this issue by reducing the required amount of data to label by selecting the most informative samples. However, many AL approaches assume a uniform labeling cost for all data points, which may result in selecting samples that would be costly to acquire in practice.

In this work, we tackle the AL problem with non-uniform sample costs.

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