Specialized graduate diploma in artificial intelligence

This 2nd cycle course focuses in particular on machine learning, enabling you to deepen your understanding of the essential methods and concepts of AI and its applications, particularly in vision, robotics and natural language processing. The course also includes an integrative project to put your new skills into practice.


Availaible anytime


Université Laval
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Software Engineering Department


Regular registration at Université Laval

Become a machine learning expert


By 2030, nearly 70% of companies here and abroad will be implementing at least one AI-related technology, according to the McKinsey Global Institute. The need for qualified personnel in this cutting-edge sector is therefore becoming crucial.

This graduate program focuses on machine learning, enabling you to delve deeper into the essential methods and concepts of AI and its applications, particularly in vision, robotics and natural language processing. The course also includes an integrative project to put your new skills into practice.

If you’d like to continue your training at Master’s level, the courses in this program are fully credited once you’ve enrolled in the Master’s program in Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence.

For more informations

Description du programme

In brief

This professional program is your first foray into the field of artificial intelligence. It will enable you to understand and deepen your understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of machine learning methods, with a view to applying them independently to concrete situations.

This course will help you consolidate your knowledge and skills in AI, enhance your analytical and synthesizing abilities and develop your critical thinking skills. At the end of the course, you will be involved in the development of computer techniques using artificial intelligence, enabling you to enhance your data analysis and decision-making skills in the face of complex problems.

Ce programme est constitué de 6 cours (18 crédits) et d’un projet intégrateur de 6 crédits. Vous aurez accès à un horaire flexible puisqu’il peut être réalisé en deux sessions intensives ou en six sessions allégées.


More specifically, this DESS will enable you to:

  • Familiarize yourself with the mathematical foundations of machine learning;
  • Master the use of the various techniques underlying machine learning;
  • Master common machine learning software;
  • Recognize the ethical issues raised by AI;
  • Choose the machine learning technique best suited to the specific application, and be able to
  • parameterize the tools linked to this technique;
  • Participate in the design of methods and software that apply AI appropriately in specific contexts;
  • Sanitize data, select training data;
  • Validate training results.



Areas of expertise

  • Machine learning
  • Intelligent robotics
  • Intelligent systems
  • Artificial vision
  • Language processing
  • Data science
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Massive data processing
  • Diagnostic support
  • Financial analysis
  • Cybersecurity


Who is this program for?

This program is intended for holders of a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science, software engineering, computer engineering, or a degree deemed equivalent.

It is also intended for holders of a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline (engineering or science), or for employed people with academic training and relevant experience in computer science or an engineering field. In these cases, preparatory schooling may be required.



You’ll be able to work as an IT specialist in the field of artificial intelligence. You’ll also be part of a rich ecosystem of entrepreneurs making Quebec a world-class leader in this field.

The challenges and needs in artificial intelligence are so great, so complex and so diverse that your expertise will be sought in many spheres of activity, including healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, finance, education, video games and marketing.



  • Research centers
  • High-tech companies
  • Manufacturing companies
  • Consulting engineering firms
  • Governments

Continuing your studies

If you wish to continue your studies at Master’s level, the 6 courses in this program will be recognized and can be fully credited once enrolled in the Master’s program in Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence.

Program objectives

  • Consolidate your knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence and enhance your analytical, synthesizing and critical thinking skills:
    • become familiar with the mathematical foundations of machine learning;
    • master the use of the various techniques underlying machine learning
    • master the software commonly used in machine learning
    • recognize the ethical issues raised by AI.
  • Learn more about the principles, fundamental concepts and methods of machine learning:
    • choose the machine learning technique best suited to a specific application, and be able to
    • parameterize the tools associated with that technique
    • help design methods and software that apply AI appropriately to specific contexts
    • clean up data and select training data
    • validate training results.

Duration and type of study

This program can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.

The full-time program lasts two sessions.

Take part in this booming field

Get down to business!

The 6-credit integrative project will help you consolidate and actively integrate the concepts you’ve learned during your training. In addition to getting hands-on experience in AI, you’ll discover the aspects of this important sector of activity and research that stimulate you most.

Access an established network of experts

Take advantage of the AI expertise already well established at Université Laval through the Intelligence and Data Institute, the Centre de recherche sur les données massives and many other research groups involved in major research themes through various partnerships and collaborations.

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