technological tool developed in collaboration with Yannick Dufresne for the Musée de la civilisation's “Le Québec autrement dit” exhibition.

Our collaborating researcher Yannick Dufresne, professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Université Laval, has collaborated with the Musée de la civilisation to develop a technological tool for the exhibition Le Québec autrement dit.

At the start of the exhibition, a touch terminal has been designed in collaboration with the Chaire de leadership en enseignement des sciences sociales numériques (CLESSN). Visitors will be invited to create a profile and answer questions as they go along, to discover different perspectives on Quebec. The results will then be analyzed and compared anonymously.

This follows in the footsteps of CLESSN’s work on projects such as Projet Quorum, Datagochi and La Boussole électorale.

More details on ULaval Nouvelles

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