Towards a synergistic approach of the dematerialization of judicial records
This project strives to encourage access to justice and nurture public confidence in the justice system by ensuring a high level of protection of the right to privacy of those who are involved in a judicial process.

Towards a synergistic approach of the dematerialization of judicial records: the protection of the privacy of litigants as a vector of access to justice
This project aims to support the Quebec Ministry of Justice by developing, in collaboration with the Ministry, a framework for the management of personal information contained in digital court records and proposing clear, innovative and technical solutions to the issues raised by the dematerialization of court records in terms of privacy.
Thus, the project strives to encourage access to justice and nurture public confidence in the justice system by ensuring a high level of protection of the right to privacy of those who are involved in a judicial process.
Partner Organization
Research Team
IID Principal Investigator of this project
IID Co-Investigators participating in the project
Project Team
Principal Investigators: Pierre-Luc Déziel (Université Laval) and Karim Benyekhlef (Université de Montréal)
Co-Investigators: Audrey Durand (Université Laval), Céline Castets-Renard (Université d’Ottawa), Yannick Dufresne (Université Laval), Christian Gagné (Université Laval)
Collaborators: Sule Tomkinson (Université Laval), Nicolas Vermeys (Université de Montréal)
Project Funding: 2020-2023
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