Thierry Duchesne Research Thrust 3 - Methods of Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing
Université Laval
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Full Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Université Laval
Thierry Duchesne has been a professor of Statistics at Université Laval since 2003. He is interested in statistical modelling and its applications in ecology, insurance and epidemiology. He works on the development of models and methods for the analysis of longitudinal data and event time data and their adaptation to complex data contexts (e.g. correlated data, unstructured data, missing data).
He is also a member of the CIMMUL research centre.
Areas of Interest
- Analysis of event time data
- Longitudinal data analysis
- Computational methods
- Insurance
- Ecology
- Epidemiology
Research Thrust
- Methods of Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing
Research Group
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